Nikon is now producing a full frame camera for almost $1,000 cheaper than anyone, including themselves. This feature means that the sensor will capture more light and the lenses will preform like they were designed to. In a camera that is not a full frame most lenses will actually have slightly more telephoto power than they are designed to have with a full frame 35mm sensor. This camera also has a viewfinder that covers 100% of the shot instead of 95% or less like most of the lower end cameras. This feature helps one frame pictures with ease instead of the shoot and check method that is needed with the lower coverage view finders.
This camera does not come super cheap however seeing as how most full frame cameras are 3,000 plus, but with the SRP of 2,099.95 and the 24.3MP it carries, it is a lot cheaper and not lacking too much in the megapixel department than the other options. This cheaper price tag comes with a few less options like the lack of a "scene" mode although it is not likely that someone dropping 2100 on a camera is going to use its dummy modes.
If you want to read more, here is a link to MSN's Gadget Box comments.
Want to know the specs or the features? Here is Nikon's D600 page.
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