Here are some of the photos that I have been thinking about putting in the art show. The photos were taken a while ago in Costa Rica and the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.
Costa Rica
I like the colors in this orchid and think that it would be a good candidate for the art show. I cut off the petal in the lower right hand corner which annoys me so I'm not sure if I should submit it or not.
This is one of my favorite pictures that I took from Costa Rica. I like how this leaf is the only purple leaf around other than the darker ones in the back ground. It just looks so different from what we have around where I'm from.
Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
I like this silhouette of a gull that I took in the Galapagos partly because of the beautiful sunrise in the background but also because he has one foot up and his face perfectly sideways and the background is visible through his nostril.
This gull was flying really close to the group I was with checking us out while riding on the wind produced from a cliff below. The angle of its wings and how its head is rotated to look at the group is what attracts me to this photo.
This gull decided to land right next to where I was sitting on a cliff face and stared at me for a good 20 minutes. By the end we were both laying down waiting for the other to leave. I snapped this photo in a brief moment while his attention faltered. I like the orange rings around their eyes and how it accents their face.
This was one of the famous "Christmas Tree" Iguanas found on one of the islands during the mating season. This guy was trying to look bigger by puffing out his chest a bit and adopting a wide stance. I like the colors found in these male iguanas.
This was an accidental shot that came out kinda cool. A wave came in the moment I pressed the shutter and splashed me and everything around me. After looking through my pictures I discovered that I caught the small water droplets in the air while still maintaining focus on the crab I was trying to get. Completely Accidental.
I spent a good 10 minutes trying to catch the wave crashing on this little rock. I liked the crazy patterns that the wave formed after hitting the rocks and I was surprised that I didn't cut off any of the crazy splash.
This photo I thought was kinda cool for the contrast aspects. The colorful iguana in front of the bright blue sky and the red crab that is on the other side of the big black rock. I like this photo but it might not be show worthy.